Does the MULTICOMP PRO MP009288 USB Cable contain any PFAS elements?
Does the MULTICOMP PRO MP009288 USB Cable contain any PFAS elements?
Does the MULTICOMP PRO MP009288 USB Cable contain any PFAS elements?
Welcome to the element14 Community - we do not have access to product information or datasheets here.
That being said, I do work with the multicomp pro team, and I have sent this request to them, right now it has been escalated to the manufacturer of the device.
I do not have a turnaround time for your answer, as this is very ad-hoc and outside of process, if/when I get it, I will reply here in this thread.
When I go to the manufacturer website https://multicomp-pro.com/ I am always redirected to the Element14 or Farnell website and there is no information concerning PFAS
The website for the product is here: MP009288 - Farnell / Newark / element14 APAC are the 'manufacturer' for this brand.
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Give that man an award for "Above & Beyond". The room erupts with a round of applause.