I have quite a few ESP32 based custom devices that are connected to WiFi and this works just fine.
However, I also have sitting on my desk a few boards that are only capable of communicating via Bluetooth (BLE) and I'm not sure how I would connect to them to retrieve whatever data they have to transmit.
For instance, one of them has an accelerometer that I could use to sense vibrations on a water pipe to infer water consumption. It could store a set of values for a given amount of past time and then send that history data to the reading device when it is being asked to do so.
With WiFi, I can write a web server that exposes an endpoint to which the device would connect to post its data. Or even have it directly use the MQTT protocol and be done with it.
But with Bluetooth, I'm not sure what I should come up with. Something that would go BLE --> MQTT would be ideal of course, but if it goes BLE -> WiFi -> MQTT, it's also fine as maybe I could piggyback it on an existing ESP32 based board.
Any ideas are most welcome.