This is my circuit:
The voltage output from the TSOP1738 IR receiver fluctuates since it is an analog sensor; therefore, the output voltage of the 555 timer fluctuates. I want to use the output of the 555 timer to trigger a junction transistor that would then trigger a relay (the BJT is used because the relay i want to activate requires more current then the 555 timer can output). The relay would then close a circuit with a much high current.
My question is: Is there a circuit that exists that would pull the gate of the transistor or (if it is more efficient to remove the BJT from the equation) trigger the relay with a constant voltage and current once it detects any sort of output form the 555 timer? I would like the circuit to keep the gate of the BJT/relay high forever (this dead man circuit would pull from an external power supply obviously) once the tiniest indication of output was detected form the output of the 555 timer circuit shown above.