In 2017, Bluetooth 5 will be released by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). Benefitting IoT, advancing beacon, and location-based capabilities, it will significantly increase the range, speed, and broadcast messaging capacity. Bluetooth 5 will offer the following:
- Extending the range will deliver reliable Internet of Things (IoT) connections that make full-home and building and outdoor use cases a reality.
- Higher speeds will send data faster and optimize responsiveness.
- Increasing broadcast capacity will propel the next generation of “connectionless” services like beacons and location-relevant information and navigation.
Bluetooth 5 will quadruple range and double speed of low energy connections while increasing the capacity of connectionless data broadcasts by 800 percent. With the major boost in broadcast messaging capacity, the data being transferred will be richer, more intelligent. This will redefine the way Bluetooth devices transmit information, moving away from the app-paired-to-device model to a connectionless IoT where there is less need to download an app or connect the app to a device.
What end-product will you design with Bluetooth 5?
What MCU will you use?
Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated.