If you want to design for some certain IoT application based on an Arm-cored microcontroller, it might be really expensive. Although there are various of development platforms in the market to choose from, but you have to spend a lot to buy even just a single piece. I am talking about fifty dollars or even a hundred for one board, that could scare lots of individual developers away in no time.
Sometimes people just want to create a sub-system for a larger scale design, or do some creation from scratch. And some people are trying to find a 32-bit platform for low-power applications to replace their outdated solution. If you are reading this article, congratulations! NXP Semiconductors has recently introduced a new development board supporting its ultra-low-cost LPC84x Microcontroller series. This tiny development board can be purchased at a price of less than $7, just like the amount you might spend on a single breakfast.
If any of below description matches what you need, the LPC845 Breakout Board is the best choice for you:
- Wish to find a most cost-effective solution for low-power IoT development
- Want to replace out-dated 8/16-bit soution to a 32-bit MCU platform with limited developing budget
- Individual developer who wants to play with Arm-based MCUs and create your own design
- LPC800 Series fan and want to do more with the MCU
The LPC845 breakout board provides a powerful and flexible development system for NXP's low end Cortex-M0+-based LPC84x Family of MCUs, delivered in an ultra-low-cost evaluation board. This breakout board can be used with a range of development tools, including the MCUXpresso IDE toolchain, Arm Keil and IAR Systems. The LPC845 Breakout board is developed by NXP to enable evaluation of and prototyping with the LPC84x family of MCUs. The LPC845 breakout board features an on-board CMSIS-DAP debug and VCOM port, RGB user LEDs, capacitive touch button, user potentiometer and allows an easy prototyping experience with access to 38 LPC845 port pins.
For more information please visit: www.nxp.com/LPC845-BRK
For additional information about NXP's LPC84x microcontroller integrated on the board, please visit: www.nxp.com/LPC800