Hello element14 friends :-)
There are only a couple weeks left (deadline is Nov. 13) for entering the fourth edition of our Open IoT Challenge!
The Open IoT Challenge encourages IoT enthusiasts and developers to build innovative solutions for the Internet of Things using open standards and open source technology. As you remember from the past years, we have lots of great prizes ($3,000 the grand winner!), including hardware vouchers for the 10 short-listed best proposals.
Some ideas of things I would love to see being used for your projects include deep learning, low power/long range technologies (Sierra Wireless is giving away some MangOH RED boards, btw ), and you can find more thoughts in this blog post.
I really hope to see lots of projects coming from the element14 community, and that you guys will be sharing your journey as blog posts here! Let me know if you submit a proposal, or if you need advice before doing so
B –