The Semtch LoRa-node lib, that I used with some success in Test LoRaWan Thing code ported for Raspberry Pico . is deprecated. It's replaced by LoRa Basic Modem. I'm going to try and port that for the RP2040 controller. I've set ambitious goals:
- don't change Semtech's code
- port as specified by LoRa Basics Modem Porting Guide (30 pages of instructions)
- use CMake, for compatibility with the Pico C/C++ SDK. Unless I find a way to integrate the make files in the build.
- reusable for other projects
image source: Semtech Porting guide
Create a directory structure and get the LoRa Modem lib
I created a directory in the IDE workspace. I use VSCode, but the project works for any environment that can build one of Raspberry's Pico examples.
Then checked out Semtech's LoRa Modem lib:
git clone --recurse-submodules
I created a main file, empty at the moment, and 2 CMake config files.
#include <stdio.h> #include "pico/stdlib.h" int main() { stdio_init_all(); while (true) { } return 0; }
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) set(PICO_DEOPTIMIZED_DEBUG 1) # Pull in SDK (must be before project) include(pico_sdk_import.cmake) set(PICO_BOARD seeed_xiao_rp2040) project(pico_lorawan_modem C CXX ASM) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20) pico_sdk_init() set(RADIO sx1276) include (CMakeSWL2001.txt) add_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp ) pico_set_program_name(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) pico_set_program_version(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} "0.1") pico_enable_stdio_uart(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} 0) pico_enable_stdio_usb(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} 1) # Add any user requested libraries target_link_libraries(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE pico_stdlib ) pico_add_extra_outputs(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME})
This is a very common RP2040 file. You'll see that I only added two lines for the LoRa Modem:
set(RADIO sx1276)
include (CMakeSWL2001.txt)
That's because I plan to have anything related to the Semtech lib in a separate file.
set(LORAWAN_LIB_NAME SWL2001) add_library(${LORAWAN_LIB_NAME} INTERFACE) target_include_directories(${LORAWAN_LIB_NAME} INTERFACE) set(LORAMAC_LIB_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SWL2001/lbm_lib) if(NOT DEFINED RADIO) message("You must set a radio") message("set(RADIO <semtech radio model>") message("Valid options: (lr1110 lr1120 lr1121 sx1261 sx1262 sx1268 sx128x sx1272s) sx1276") message(FATAL_ERROR "Fix this before continuing.") endif() message("Radio selected: ${RADIO}") target_sources(${LORAWAN_LIB_NAME} INTERFACE # ${LORAMAC_NODE_PATH}/src/peripherals/soft-se/soft-se.c ) target_include_directories(${LORAWAN_LIB_NAME} INTERFACE # ${LORAMAC_NODE_PATH}/src )
You can see it's still in its infant stage. It can manage a few things that I'll need later:
- configure it so that the Pico example will see it as "one of the usual" libraries
- check if a LoRaWan radio chip is selected. Error the build if not.
- infra to collect all include and source files that 'll be required later.