Q: Do you think a separate low power network across cities are required, or the existing GSM/3G/4G networks can be used to enable wider use of IoT?
No I don't think so. I think it is partially required in some cases but in general no. The reason is that wifi networks are widely available. As such, we can utilize existing infrastructure. In case isolated locations are required or very long range, there are technologies that can enable long range (such as sub 1GHz and meshing). Those node will eventually have gateway at the end-node to access the internet.
Q: Is it possible to store sensor data from any basic Microcontroller or processor like Arduino or Raspberry Pi to the Cloud using IoT?
Absolutely. In the example of SimpleLink WiFi CC3200, the application data (in that case sensor data) can be stored in the cloud by communicating with right protocols (REST API's, MQTT etc'). the protocol depends on the cloud server capabilities.
Q: What are all communication protocols will be supported under IoT?
It is endless – In L7, most common as of today are REST (on top of HTTP) and MQTT. In L2, WiFi, BT, BLE, Zigbee and Sub 1GHz are used for different applications. WiFi has the advantage of no need for gateway enable the access to the internet.
Q: Does TI have specific IOT products for Hazardous industrial environment? Do we have specific use case ?
I'm not familiar with specific needs or use cases, but what we see today is the Sub 1GHz is very popular. TI is a chip vendor so I can't tell on final products of our customers. All our connectivity portfolio fits 100% for Industrial environment.
Q: Will all the radio signals travelling around from IoT devices be hazardous?
No. the total energy being used is extremely low.
Q: As per my knowledge we are still far from complete implementation of IPv6. With the current IPv4 infrastructure, won't it be a huge challenge to address the explosion in the number of nodes?
IPv6 is absolutely a must with the expected number of nodes. Most of the end products manufactures require to support IPv6 stack and starts to enable that. Implementation wise, IPv6 is there. The infrastructure to support it is ramping these days. We believe it will take few years till it will be widely used.
Q: Does agriculture feature as a potential candidate for IoT?
Absolutely. We have today irrigation systems, humid meters and more that using our connectivity products.
Q: Will Wifi takeover as the default IoT radio?
As presented during the session. No one will win it all. There won't be a single radio standard that will be the default IoT radio. The connectivity type should be chosen based on the needs and use cases. Once a developer choose technology, he should consider Range, BW, Power Consumption and infrastructure needs. Each has it's own advantages and disadvantages.