I have an Archer AX11000 router that can support a VPN. I need to provide credentials to a VPN server to complete the configuration. I recall using VPN's at work. The VPN enabled me to remote into the company network from the Internet. I would like to VPN into my home network.
I've long since retired and don't have access to the network brains that made it work at the company. I would buy them a coffee and float the questions. To access the company network we had a dongle that generated a code along with a username and password to use on the VPN concentrator. If all the magic worked my laptop at home was sitting on the company network.
I'm with hand-in-hand asking the brains in the E14 Community this network question. Does the Archer router VPN provide this same access? I would need to connect the router to a service like NordVPN. Once that is done can I use the VPN to get into my home network or would that require some other networking device?