I'd like it to be MQTT as I've really enjoyed using that. But as it's consumer focused companies working on IOT at the moment I suspect they will go with what they know and HTTP / REST
MQTT is heavily used by consumers but it is far from unknown, I have been to a few seminars from ST Micro and IBM regarding IOT and there all using it, and the other IBM Bluemix products (Node-Red is in there too).
MQTT is backed and spear headed by IBM as is Node-Red, so don't under estimate the appropriateness of MQTT in main stream industry, It was developed just for this kind of use.
HTPP and Rest are not the application protocol and done support the same set of features as MQTT without getting far more complicated requiring way more skills to implement (Yes, HTTP and REST are simple in them selves but adding the rest gets it complicated real quick), there more the delivery protocol, You can use MQTT over both these protocols if needed, its just not required.
MQTT is heavily used by consumers but it is far from unknown, I have been to a few seminars from ST Micro and IBM regarding IOT and there all using it, and the other IBM Bluemix products (Node-Red is in there too).
MQTT is backed and spear headed by IBM as is Node-Red, so don't under estimate the appropriateness of MQTT in main stream industry, It was developed just for this kind of use.
HTPP and Rest are not the application protocol and done support the same set of features as MQTT without getting far more complicated requiring way more skills to implement (Yes, HTTP and REST are simple in them selves but adding the rest gets it complicated real quick), there more the delivery protocol, You can use MQTT over both these protocols if needed, its just not required.
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