Sorry about the simple questions in advance but I'm very new to motors.
So I wanted to make a retractable window curtain the goes up and down and coils on to its self. So what I was thinking was bluetooth or wifi feather from adafruit with their motor driver wing ( ). A motor on a rod with the curtain hanging from it.
So if I'm missing something that will make this project completely fail in my face please tell me.
here are my questions
what type of motor should choose?
I've been reading a lot about stepper motor and they look promising since I can have more precision.
What type of torque do i need to be looking at.
I read the post about torque and need to read it a few more times to understand it all but it doesn't sound like I need a lot of torque.
Motor to rod connection.
I don't know terms very well and looking at 3d printers they use a coupler to attach the motor to a rod. is there a different way i should research or a better way of doing it.
Dual motor
I was thinking about using a motor on each side one wired in reverse is that a good idea.
thanks in advance