Gesto is the World’s first open-source boards for wearable gesture control with a unique method that combines muscle signals with motion patterns.
There are available two kits:
Gesto Caelum is a ready to go solution. Caelum has all you need to add gesture control/recognition to your project, with a fast and easy setup, without the need to program it. So you can simply configure the gestures in your Android or iOS smartphone to get started right away.
Gesto Stella is a development kit. It is designed to interface to other boards such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi boards, and sends raw muscle data via its SPI interface.
Prosthetic arm controlled with Gesto
Gesto can handle three types of gestures: singular gestures, air drawing gestures, and directional gestures. The technology making sense of the muscle raw data is called “DualBurst” which combines muscle patterns and motion patterns for better accuracy.
Gesto also provide a modular 3D printed band to assemble all the Gesto electronics in your body (wrist, forearm, arm, torso, leg).
Gesto has now been launched on Crowdsupply with a special price:
- Gesto Stella $99
- Gesto Caelum $149
(with delivery scheduled for March 2016)
Check out the video from Gesto's crowdfunding campaign!