(Image Credit: MrRick/pixabay)
This seems like an environmental disaster waiting to happen. More on this later in the article. But first…
According to a new study, solar panels floating on seas close to the Equator could produce sufficient energy to power countries with dense populations in Southeast Asia and West Africa. For example, Indonesia could benefit from this since an offshore solar installation would generate 35,000 TWh of solar energy annually, higher than worldwide energy generation at 30,000 TWh per year. High-res global heat maps reveal that the Indonesian archipelago and equatorial West Africa near Nigeria are ideal for offshore floating solar arrays.
By 2050, the world’s economy is expected to be carbon-free and electrified with the help of solar and wind energy installations. Approximately seventy km2 with solar panels is enough to distribute power to a million people living in a carbon-free economy. In that case, these panels would be installed on roofs, water surfaces, dry regions, and areas with agriculture. However, high population density countries, like Indonesia and Nigeria, won’t have sufficient land space to collect solar energy. And since they’re found in the doldrum latitudes, there aren’t many wind resources. Instead, these countries can place floating solar panels on equatorial seas, inland lakes, and reservoirs to generate unlimited energy.
The study found that floating solar panels in regions that don’t have strong winds or large waves won’t need costly and tough defenses to protect against those elements. Interestingly, areas with waves less than 6 meters in size or winds under 15m/s could produce one million TWh annually. Many practical regions, which are highly populated and environmentally valuable, are near the Equator, equatorial West Africa, and in/around Indonesia.
The map shows the red highlighted areas are the best place to install floating solar panels, followed by orange, yellow, green, and dark blue. CC BY-ND
Indonesia can even provide solar energy storage thanks to its solar energy potential and pumped hydro energy storage potential. Once the economy has achieved decarbonization via solar polar, approximately 25,000 km2 of solar panels would be needed to provide energy for Indonesia. Also, Indonesia has 140,000 km2 of seas with waves less than 4m and winds weaker than 10m/s in the past 40 years. Such regions are perfect for large amounts of floating solar panels. Many seas around the world have waves bigger than 10m or winds exceeding 20m/s, so companies are developing engineering defenses to protect floating solar panels from stormy weather.
However, we need to keep in mind that building these floating solar panels harms the environment and disrupts sealife. After they’re deployed, the parts dimming the water surface block out the sunlight, impacting ecosystems. A study has revealed that floating solar panels affect the water body’s stratification, and if that happens, then the lower layers deoxygenate. In turn, that boosts the nutrient concentration and kills fish. But this requires more research to determine how floating solar panels can lead to ecological changes.
Despite those concerns, floating solar panels could still be used as a source of energy for many years in countries near calm equatorial waters. But by 20250, one billion people residing in those countries are expected to take advantage of solar energy.
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