There is a kind of converter I need help on. It is a buck-boost converter but the inductor is replaced by a steel toroid core transformer with a core power of 2025W max, it has a primary input and two secondary output 250 turns 1:1:1 each.
The transistor is changed to a MOSFET and is driven by a 555 timer pwm circuit. Powered by a 12V, 75AH Battery
Flyback voltage is tapped out from the primary coil and the high current is tapped from the first secondary coil through the use of diode and capacitors.
The high voltage and high current is combined and fed to the inverter converting it to 50Hz AC. The output of the inverter is connected to the first secondary coil. Which is the same coil that the high current capacitor is drawing current from.
The second secondary coil will be the output whereby a band pass filter will be used to extract the 50Hz frequency from the transformer.
The goal is to provide good efficiency while reducing the cost.