A demo of the new Prynt case for instant smartphone picture printing (via Prynt SAS)
Coming to the market is a smartphone case that instantly prints photos, directly from your phone. It's a modern-day Polaroid camera, but better and hopefully cheaper.
A French start-up called Prynt SAS, recently demo’ed their working prototype of the Prynt case to TechCrunch and is expecting to launch a Kickstarter campaign in early January. The cost for the Prynt case on Kickstarter will be $99, so if you're interested, stay tuned to get the early bird specials. You can stay updated on the campaign from their website: http://www.pryntcases.com/.
Currently, the photo printing smart case only accommodates 4” screens, like an iPhone 5. So, for those of you with phones the size of tablets, the Prynt case will not fit your phone. However, you still may be able to print your photos from the device.
The current prototype connects to the phone via Bluetooth, but the future Prynt device is supposed to connect to the phone via a lightning connection into the phone for instant printing.
As it stands, the printing process takes up to 50 seconds, but Prynt intends to reduce this time to 30 seconds in the next generation they're launching on Kickstarter. The Prynt case prints by heating up ink-filled paper. The current prototype holds about 10 pieces of ink-filled paper, but the next generation is expected to hold between 10-30 pieces of paper at any time. You can refill the paper whenever you like and order it directly from Prynt for delivery to your home.
Prynt is expecting to charge cents per sheet for their photo paper. Best part about it!
In addition to just printing, the Prynt case also shows a video when held up to the camera of your phone, if you have their special app. This means Harry Potter fans can go wild with this augmented reality addition. When your take a photo with the Prynt app, it also captures a video. In future, when you print out the photo and hold it up in your camera's view, it will show a short video clip recorded during the snapshot of that photo. This feature is also meant to work even if you give the photo to a friend (who would probably have to have the same app, I would think).
This idea is pretty interesting and adds a lot of extra value to make the Prynt app something more unique than other photo printers on the market. It allows you to really capture a moment in time with more than just one shot.
In future, Prynt is going to try and turn your picture of one thing into a video of something else. For instance, you can send a wedding invitation and invite your guests to hold it up to their smartphone camera to see a personalized video invite from the bride and groom. I can see that idea really catching on.
This gadget seems to be catching people's attention and imagination since it demo’ed at HAXLR8R and coming soon to Kickstarter!
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