I had such pride the other day when my 5yr old son asked me if we could make a robot. Does anyone have any suggestions? Ideally something that does not call for ant soldering. Something that starts with a basic base module that could be be expanded and accessorized later so I don't have to lay out a ton of cash to start would be a plus. I think I would like to start with some basic motor controls and then eventually expand to adding sensors. I looked at the stuff on Lego's site and it seems pricey. I checked maker shed and was quickly overwhelmed by all the options. I don't have a lot of electronics knowledge, but occasionally I like to mess around with leds, resistors, and breadboards. I do have a degree in computer science so I am not afraid of doing a little programing if need be although I really have not written much code since college. Any and all recommendation are appreciated. Thanks in advance.