Hello Everyone!
I have a Garmin Lidar Lite v3.
There is an obstacle at 24" in from of the Lidar. About one percent of the time, the Lidar will give a measurement of about 14" or about 9".
What could possibly be happening?
Hello Everyone!
I have a Garmin Lidar Lite v3.
There is an obstacle at 24" in from of the Lidar. About one percent of the time, the Lidar will give a measurement of about 14" or about 9".
What could possibly be happening?
Hi Bruce
Mine does exactly the same, I think Douglas and DAB have it thouh.
You can try setting the different modes for short/mid/long range to make it a bit more accurate.
In the end I started taking 3 measurements and taking an average of the closest 2 results. Increases the scan time though so its not really ideal but it smooths things out a bit
Here is the document that I am using: https://static.garmin.com/pumac/LIDAR_Lite_v3_Operation_Manual_and_Technical_Specifications.pdf
Is it the same document that you are using?
Apparently I am overlooking the close, mid and long range setting if it is.
Hi Bruce
Im using the LIDARLite Arduino Library. It gives you options for config and scanning.
When you call the distance method there is also a true/false parameter to scan with or without bias correction. Its recommended to run this every 100 scans or so
configuration: Default 0.
0: Default mode, balanced performance.
1: Short range, high speed. Uses 0x1d maximum acquisition count.
2: Default range, higher speed short range. Turns on quick termination
detection for faster measurements at short range (with decreased
3: Maximum range. Uses 0xff maximum acquisition count.
4: High sensitivity detection. Overrides default valid measurement detection
algorithm, and uses a threshold value for high sensitivity and noise.
5: Low sensitivity detection. Overrides default valid measurement detection
algorithm, and uses a threshold value for low sensitivity and noise.
lidarliteAddress: Default 0x62. Fill in new address here if changed. See
operating manual for instructions.
Hope this helps! Any questions please dont hesitate to ask
That information isn't in the Python library.
Thank you so much!
Every 100 scans or so, am I to run read with what option? W/o bias correction?
I have translated the CPP configuration method to Python.
Nice work!
Its on by default, so you can run the method sending false as an argument, then every 100 add a true in there
Looking at the comments on the method from the .cpp file
biasCorrection: Default true. Take aquisition with receiver bias
correction. If set to false measurements will be faster. Receiver bias
correction must be performed periodically. (e.g. 1 out of every 100
Are you doing point clouds with your scanner?
For any Python users out there, you may find a configure method in my LidarLite3Ext class.
It can be found at https://github.com/Z223I/LidarLite3Ext
The Extension class also contains methods for threading. It is a producer/consumer model using the Python thread safe queue class.
Best wishes!
No. I am not doing point clouds. It does sound interesting.
Thank you everyone for your help! My robot works SO MUCH BETTER now.
No. I am not doing point clouds. It does sound interesting.
Thank you everyone for your help! My robot works SO MUCH BETTER now.