Element 14 gave me the chance to road test the Hillstar MGC3130 3D gesture kit.
You can find it here: http://www.element14.com/community/roadTestReviews/1809.
In addition I would like to blog about an application I'm currently working on.
This application is controlling the Arcbotics Sparki robot with 3D gestures using the Hillstar kit.
My application is inspired by an application where the Sparki is controlled via bluetooth using a windows phone. (Bluetooth Demo - Windows 8 Phone Controller - ArcBotics Forum)
So the first step was loading the spark code and testing that with a serial link over bluetooth.
That worked fine, so the next step is adaptation of the Hillstar demo software.
Unfortunately I have to downgrade my visual studio IDE, since I can't compile the demo with the latest version which I have installed.
For details see the road test.
After finishing that I will adapt the demo and incorporate serial commands to control Sparki.
Stay tuned!