The schematic isn't legible either in the website or downloaded.
Are you able to post a better one ?
I quite like looking at old power supply designs , is there a special reason you posted this one ?
Here's a pic of the design I'm working on today, quite old school - 4 independent channels, 2 x 15V @ 0.65A and 2 x 5V @ 1.5A
All 4 channels isolated from each other and the control processor (underneath so not visible in this picture.)
Opto isolated channel enables, temperature monitoring and linear (but low accuracy) voltage monitoring.
It's intended for instruments which need good quality low noise supplies at +/- 15V and 5V as well as 5V for logic and control.
Should be finished soon - I'll post a complete blog (with schematic) then.
Nope, this is the best that I have. I am trying to repair my LP-411-FM that was hurt in a move. NexGen: Getting the lab working ii
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