I am designing a circuit for transmitting electricity using resonating coils with resonance freqency in range of 20-50Hz with Sorce volage of 20 Vpp.
Does anybody knows something regarding maximizing power and distance of transmission for it??
I am designing a circuit for transmitting electricity using resonating coils with resonance freqency in range of 20-50Hz with Sorce volage of 20 Vpp.
Does anybody knows something regarding maximizing power and distance of transmission for it??
Have you researched this topic via Google and Wikipedia ?
If not - then do, if you have then where are you stuck ?
Yeah I have researched on the topic and I am looking for maximizing distance of transmission with appreciable power delivered.
Yeah I have researched on the topic and I am looking for maximizing distance of transmission with appreciable power delivered.
No one can help you unless you define the problem better.
What are the constraints in terms of size and cost ?
How much power do you want to transfer ?
What level of efficiency is acceptable ?
What distance are you hoping to achieve ?
Based on your researches what is the baseline performance that you want to improve upon.
thanks anyway i found what i was looking for somewhere else.
I tested the range of Qi-Compliant eval board about a year ago. Efficiency dropped off rapidly after 4mm, and I could get nothing beyond 6mm. Let me know if you get more!