I need a suitable core for a 80 MHz more or less lossless transformer where the primary winding is stationary and the secondary winding is rotating with respect to the primary. Maximum power transferred is approx. 10 mW. The impedance must be 50 ohms.
Actually two halves of pot-core type of ferrite would be suitable because I must have a minimum 6 mm diameter hole in the center (in the axis of the rotation to be used for a rotating fiber-coupling).
I need only 10 pcs. for a special version of one of our instrumentation systems - and all the ferrite I can find out there (with short delivery time) is dedicated
for EMC purposes (noise filtering etc.) and has a lot of losses at 80 MHz (which is fine for EMC purposes - but certainly not for my application).
Any suggestions out there?
Best regards
Morten Hammer