BLOG# 6 -Edible Algae System - (Growing Spirulina in space)
System Designs -- Block diagram
This is my 6th blog post in a series of blog post for the Design Challenge 1 Meter of Pi
Updated version 1.3
Blog# 5 EAS - Research Temperature Sensor - DS18B20 | Blog# 7 EAS - System Designs -- Software Design |
- In this blog, I wanted to map out the relationships in the System between the:
- Raspberry PI
- Automation Hat Mini
- Outputs from the hat
- Enviro colimit Hat
- Sensors, on the Hat
- Water Temperature sensor probes.
- DB server,
- Saving data to Mongo DB Atlas in the Cloud
- Monitoring data over a timespan using Atlas Charts
- I wanted to have one Pi connected to both hats and the Wiring image below, shows that. It's not pretty, but it works
- Basically is a splitter breadboard for all the GPIO pins shared by both hats and there is a direct connection from the pins to the hats where they don't share.
- The next Breadboard splitter, is used for the Water Temperature sensor. circuit and is connected to The main Splitter
- The last Breadboard Splitter circuit, is used to implement the Three output switch's , to control the room light water pump and water heater.
Conclusion and summary
- This blog has summarized a high level design on how the PI, Hats, and other electrical components will be interconnected.
- The implementation of this first pass has changed a bit:
- the Hats are wired to one PI and the DB Server and Windows server, replaced with MongoDB Atlas in the cloud.
- The Data is sent to Atlas using the Python Driver (pymongo),.over a wireless connection
- The Data is monitored using Atlas Charts.
- The PH sensor will not be implemented in this phase.
- the Hats are wired to one PI and the DB Server and Windows server, replaced with MongoDB Atlas in the cloud.
- I plan on implementing this design in a phase II implementation. I want this to be a self contained system without wireless connectivity. With a MongoDB server runing On another PI.
Blog# 5 EAS - Research Temperature Sensor - DS18B20 |
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