The whole Mushrooms' Paradise blog
I plan to use Raspberry PI and ESP 32 as controlling devices - the brains of the project; Enviro for temperature and humidity sensors, humidifier, 4 soil moisture sensors for vegetables part of enclosure, 4 fans for ventilation, 4 water pumps for irrigation, several LED strips as growing light.
RPI will control Enviro, fans and humidifier. ESP 32 will control the soil moisture sensors and pumps. ESP 32 will communicate with the PI using MQTT.
Optionally (if I will be able to figure out how to do it) I want to store all the important indicators like sensor values, start of pumping, start of humidifier with timestamps in Influx DB on RPI and send the data to ThingSpeak server, so the most important sensors can be monitored from any device.
Below is a diagram of the design.
Blue - brains of the project
Green - components
Gray - optional
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