In my previous blog post - Bluetooth Maze - Moving servos using MicoBit , I had a huge problem were the 3D parts that I had printed using PLA filament were snapping because of the weight of the MDF. And based on my conversation with a bunch of folks at I local maker space who work on motor mechanisms/hydraulic for a living, suggested that I need to take the weight off servos by having a metallic ball which I can place the MDF top plate on, so this meant I went to my local hardware store aka Home Depot, and found a door knob with metal ball at the top as you see in the picture below, the door knob is heavy around 700 grams which is ideal, as I wont have to screw it down and can move it around for testing to get the center position.In addition, I had to resign the 3D parts for the servo mechanism and a part to hold the top maze plate on the door knob.
Success !! here is quick video of the servo mechanism in action, tested with a 2 axis joystick connected to Beaglebone Wireless , this means I can complete my final build and post a summary to the project..
Here are is a picture of the 3D printed parts that were redesigned, I will have all the STL files uploaded to thingeverse and github in the evening.
Hot glue is your best friend, when you temporarily want to test out things, so I hot glued everything to a sheet of MDF which was remaining after I had competed the laser cutting as you see in the picture below.
And here picture from the bottom with the Maze top plate mounted, on the two servos and door knob which takes the weight of the mechanism..
if you plan of doing something similar, and need the python code check out the blob post at - Bluetooth Maze - testing servos attached to the Beaglebone using a 2-axis Joystick
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