Hello guys,
Before I start, apologies for not responding to your comments, although I've been going through them I couldn't reply to you guys have been running on a tight schedule.
Previously in Bluetooth Unleashed....
With no clue on recognizing facial expressions our hero was struggling to find a good API and finally ended in way to detect smiles and proceeded further.....
Now on Bluetooth Unleashed
Still unhappy with results and working with APIs in Parallel, I found out Google Vision to be satisfactory.
They have a very good documentation and found this YouTube Video to be much easier.
What I've done here is:
1) I've used OpenCV and a python script to capture an image and save it locally as emo.jpg, and call another python script (the Vision API).
2) This one Upload to the GCloud and returns a json response from which emotions could be fetched.
import cv2 import numpy as np import sys import time import os facePath = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(facePath) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3,640) cap.set(4,480) sF = 1.05 while True: ret, frame = cap.read() img = frame gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor= sF, minNeighbors=8, minSize=(55, 55), flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE ) if (len(faces)): cv2.imwrite(filename = 'emo.jpg', img=frame) print('opening API') os.system('python emotion.py') time.sleep(10) c = cv2.waitKey(7) % 0x100 if c == 27: break cap.release()
This calls for the emotion.py which in turn return emotion values.
The next part is to play a soothing visual with a audio according. Will be using omxplayer to run them, I'm yet to find the proper visuals and audios. For now 3 music videos each emotions.
modified the emotion.py to play videos.
import io import os # Imports the Google Cloud client library from google.cloud import vision from google.cloud.vision import types # Instantiates a client client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() # The name of the image file to annotate file_name = 'emo.jpg' # Loads the image into memory with io.open(file_name, 'rb') as image_file: content = image_file.read() image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.face_detection(image=image) faces = response.face_annotations # 0-'UNKNOWN',1-'VERY_UNLIKELY',2-'UNLIKELY',3-'POSSIBLE',4-'LIKELY',5- 'VERY_LIKELY') for face in faces: anger = face.anger_likelihood joy = face.joy_likelihood sorrow = face.sorrow_likelihood #print(anger) print(joy) print(sorrow) if (anger >= joy) and (anger >= sorrow): emo = 'a' elif (joy >= anger) and (joy >= sorrow): emo = 'j' else : emo = 's' if emo == 'a' : os.system('omxplayer Anger.mp4') os.system('killall omxplayer.bin') if emo == 'j' : os.system('omxplayer Joy.mp4') os.system('killall omxplayer.bin') if emo == 's' : os.system('omxplayer Sorrow.mp4') os.system('killall omxplayer.bin')
I just ran the capture.py from putty and within 2seconds this came up on the Rpi screen
Here's a short clip on the output...
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