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This will be a quick update:
While working correctly initially, at some point tappers (vibration motors) stopped working as designed.
After frying two relay modules I think I found the two issues:
1) Due to the error in the code I was sending On/Off signals to relays too fast, once per 10ms and I think that fried them.
2) I was not running motors from pins themselves, I used relays because I thought that there will be not enough current to run four relays pins, in addition to 2 sound pins and 1 LED pin. It looks like even with relay module there was still not enough current to support all the pins.
Fix for issue #2: I don't really need four relays, I can use two because left and right motors of each group start and stop at the same time. So I updated the breadboard to show this change.
Here is the new breadboard layout, hopefully the final one:
As for the issue #1 - error in the code, I think I fixed it. It need to be tested and probably one more timer need to be added - just to deal with motors' functionality.
But because I will not be able to test my project for several days, I decided to disable tappers functionality all together in the GUI App for now.
I will definitely come back to this later to check if my code changes will fix the problem (or if they will fry one more relay module).
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