Open Source EMDR Machine. The Whole Blog.
At the last moment I decided to replace communication between the machine and the software with WiFi instead of BLE.
BLE was just too buggy and I got tired of chasing the bugs. WiFi worked like a charm from the first try.
I updated WiFi module firmware, as described by javagoza in VenTTracker #09 - Checking and updating WiFiNIN... | element14 | Design For A Cause 2021
I use a static IP option for the server on Arduino, but ideally I would need to add a small LCD screen to the machine that will show it’s IP. Just in case there will be two EMDR machines on the same network.
Motors’ functionality is not working reliably yet. If I will be able to make it work I will make another post.
Another thing that needs to be done is expandable wires to the PSU and to the LED strip. When I get my wire connectors ( it is unlikely to happen before May 27 though) I will do it and write an update.
So for now it is bilateral stimulation by sound and light with the option to have it on a PC or an Arduino.
Here are some images. If you are interested in the video to see how it works you can find it in the previous post.
Machine itself (Note: DFPlayer on the breadboard is not used, it is just no matter how hard I try I can't get it out)
Sound - audio jack and ear buds
Light bar. The LED strip is attached to wall with double sided sticking tape
Light bar close up with running light
Power Supply Unit (from a PC). Needed so Arduino can run independently, not attached to the computer.
Software: first screen. Use to select options: PC or Arduino, and type of bilateral stimulation: Light, Sound, Motors in any combination.
Software: second screen. Mostly options for Light, and Speed - how fast will stimulation change.
Still a lot of things left to do though.
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