Soft 404
Just remembered this blog post, it's a part 1 but I never got around to a part 2:
I don't know if any information there is useful. I recall quite a few bits of ADC resolution are saved if the resistor (if it's in a potential divider circuit) is sized just right for a desired limited range, and my maths certainly isn't good enough to calculate such a thing, so I just let Matlab run a few different attempts.
Just remembered this blog post, it's a part 1 but I never got around to a part 2:
I don't know if any information there is useful. I recall quite a few bits of ADC resolution are saved if the resistor (if it's in a potential divider circuit) is sized just right for a desired limited range, and my maths certainly isn't good enough to calculate such a thing, so I just let Matlab run a few different attempts.