First of all I would like to thank all organizers of this design challenge for showing potential in my design application and all element14 community members for their warm support throughout this design challenge .
As now its time to summarize all the work I have done so far in this challenge, I start with my Application.
My application is around answering these questions when we are away from home…using Raspberry-Pi with OpenHAB as Home automation server and Enocean remote sensor nodes.
Here is link for to track all my build activity Forget_me_not : Table of Contents "My Smarthome"
1.Do I have visitor at home? Who?
I am using Raspberry Pi camera to capture images of visitor at home and PTM120 switch as doorbell switch. No of visitors and pics of visitor is updated on OpenHAB app and updates with pic and time stamp are email and notifications are tweeted by tweeter.
Build Link: Forget_me_not : My Smart Home Post#6 Week-5 Smart Mailbox and doorbell with pi-camera
2.Do I have any new mail in my mail box?
I have used STM320 reed contact sensor at inlet of mailbox to detect new email and another STM320 for detect collection door of mail box to detect collection of all emails. No of new mails with time stamp is updated on OpenHAB app and updates with time stamp are email and notifications are tweeted by tweeter.
Build Link: Forget_me_not : My Smart Home Post#5 Week-4 Smart Mailbox with email and tweet support
3. Do I forget to lock my door?
I have used STM320 reed contact sensor to detect lock of my main door. When main door is locked or unlocked updates with time stamp is updated on OpenHAB app and updates with time stamp are email and notifications are tweeted by tweeter.
Build link : Forget_me_not : My Smart Home Post#9 Week-8 (Part1) Sensors@enocean and Accuator@arduino+RFtransceiver
4. Is there any emergency at my home?
I have modified STM330 temperature sensor source code to detect LPG leakage and smoke in home with MQ2 sensor and MAX9117 low power comparator. I have used WAKE0 input of STM330. So when MQ2 sensor detects LPG Leakage/ Smoke it triggers WAKE0 input of STM330 using comparator. Alarms and emergency notifications are available on openHAB app and emergency notifications with time stamp are email and notifications are tweeted by tweeter.
Forget_me_not : My Smart Home Post#10 Week-9 Little update on my Smoke and LPG leakage sensor
Fireman Minion: STM330 Temp-Sensor with custom Analog and Digital Input (Part1)
5. Does my plant need water?
I have modified STM330 temperature sensor source code to detect moisture level of plant with simple resistive probe. I am using ADIO0 as analog input for STM330 sensor to detect soil moisture level. When soil moisture level drops below threshold, notifications are available on openHAB app and notifications with time stamp are email and notifications are tweeted by tweeter
Build Link: Forget_me_not : My Smart Home Post#9 Week-8 (Part1) Sensors@enocean and Accuator@arduino+RFtransceiver
Fireman Minion: STM330 Temp-Sensor with custom Analog and Digital Input (Part1)
Other application I have implemented which are not part of my initial application..
1. Intruder detection: I have modified source code of STM330 to interface PIR motion sensor with WAKE0 input of STM330 Sensor. When some movement detected around PIR motion Sensor Raspberry Pi camera automatically captures image of intruder and send it via email and updated pic also available on OpenHAB app.
2. Arduino Based wireless home appliances control by OpenHAB : I have used 2.4GHz transceiver with arduino Atmega328 and relay switch to control any home appliances from OpenHAB app.
3.Light intensity sensor: I have modified STM330 Source code to sense light intensity of room using LDR.
I have attached OpenHAB configuration files and modified Source codes of STM330 for my application in previous post.
The challenge ends for finalizing winners in few days… But I am looking forward to see new findings of all competitors including me at this space related to Home Automation.
Once again I am thanking all organizers of forget me not design challenge and element14 community…..