Previous post: In-the-Air-Challenge: Laser-based dust counter using a photodiode, IoT connected
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Air in a laminar flow box with 99.999% filter
I have attached a small speaker to the photodiode amplifier of the home-made laser dust counter described in the previous post. Speaker clicks after every dust particle and click loudness is proportional to the dust size. Dust content outside the window in the city is similar to what we have in the room and speaker clicks with similarity to a Geiger counter near a radioactive source. Video shows that inside a laminar-flow class-6 cleanroom box there are practically no clicks. So the air filter works. Sorry, the speaker is too small to be heard in video as the air fan is making noise. Can hear clicking around second 40.
HEPA anti-alergy filters of vacuum cleaners
HEPA - High Efficiency Particle Air filter.
With a dust home-made dust counter described in previous post, I checked air coming out from a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter on the output. Filter was labeled as Class 13 and should stop 99.95% of dust. Filter has been in use for several months, nevertheless there was practically no dust leaking through it.
There are also dirt collection bags marked as Anti-alergy S-bag by Electrolux. I put one of such bags on the output of air ventilation. Such bag filters air very good and, practically, stops all dust.
Air filter of the cars did not stop the dust. and could possibly be used as a pre-filter before a HEPA filter.
One of drawbacks is that HEPA filter needs high pressure air fan to get much air through. In the vacuum cleaner power is >1000W. I use vacuum cleaner from Electrolux Ultrasilencer that is made to be very silent compared to regular models. In home-built filters, probably, one should use large size HEPA filters to get more air through.
Probably vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter could be used instead of expensive HEPA laminar flow module in the optics lab.
If I fill a 250 liter plastic bag from a vacuum cleaner then the air inside is clean. But just blowing the air in a whole lab is not making air much much cleaner. As there is wind blowing dust into the room through wooden window isles and doors.
Since one year I have started a laser spectroscopy lab in Riga, Latvia and dust here is a major problem as it deposits on the optics and laser power drops within days. It would be nice to make overpressure in the whole lab, but it is easier to build a clean air cabin around the optical table using greenhouse plastic sheets.
I need to solve the problem how to callibrate click counts into ug/m3. I plan to get in touch with some people having a commercial particle counter.
Exercise: How much dust a person inhales in one year. If air contains 50ug/m3, I get ca 0.3 kg/year. This would become ca 15 kg over lifetime. Can lungs clean themselves or get congested after decades.
Fine dust regulations and situation in Europe
As a fine dust are called particles smaller than 10 microns in size PM10. Generally, the smaller are the particles, the deeper they can penetrate into lungs. WHO suggests limit of 20 ug/m3 averaged over year. EU limit is double as high 40 ug/m3 which many experts critisize already for longer time. Studies show that exposure to particulate matter leads to increseased lung cancer risk rougly 1% for every 10 ug/m3: "Outdoor Particulate Matter Exposure and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
Particulate Matter (PM10): annual mean concentrations in Europe — European Environment Agency (EEA)
SPIEGEL article describes that values are above threshold, for example in German cities Berlin, Munich, Stutgart.
Feinstaub-Prognose: Die schmutzigsten Städte Europas - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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