Previous Posts:
In The Air: Epidose 1: Introduction
In The Air: Episode 2 - Preparing for Surface Mount Work
In The Air: Episode 3 - Surface Mount Beginnings
In The Air: Episode 4 - Inductors
In The Air: Episode 5 - PCB Design
In The Air: Episode 6 - Getting Ready For PCBs
Guess what came in the mail? Two things. First, my boards have arrived, and I've taken a picture to show you (Figure 1). It doesn't matter how many boards I've designed, when they arrive it's always like Christmas.
Figure 1: The Particle Counting PCB.
Secondly, the samples and the Newark order have not arrived yet. It's a pretty busy time of year, so they may not show up for a little while. I'm still working through Shabaz's (@shabaz) tutorials on the CC3200 (part1, part2). When I installed all the software and I plugged in my CC3200 Launch Pad the USB connection did not enumerate as a virtual com port, as it does in the tutorial. I think it may be due to a newer version of the software I installed. Anyway, if you experience this as well, you need to right click the CC3200LP items under the Universal Serial Bus Controllers in Device Manager and select properties. In these properties you need to set the device to use VCP. I'm at work right now, and I don't have the Launch Pad here, so I can't get a screen shot until later. This was pretty straight forward, and I found it by messing around with the settings.