Hi Everyone,
In the last blog (blog2) i explained about the interfacing sensors and displays. In this blog is about the cloud connectivity
for Smart Composter over MQTT.
MQTT is the widely used protocol for publishing and subscribing the data to the cloud. I have taken the MQTT Client example from MTB example and
integrated my previous stuff e ink, sensor interface on that. The data of composter , status, temperature and spin information is published over the
topic $aws/things/IOT/shadow/name/smart_composter/update
This published data is captured in device shadow (AWS IoT Thing).
On the other end I have created the alexa skill on the developer console for Composter. User can just invoke with "Smart Composter" and get to know
about the details of the composter.
COMPO_STATUS - intent is used to get the Composter status and temperature.
SET_SPIN - intent is for setting the next spin day.
NEXT_SPIN - intent is for getting the next spin day.
The endpoint of this alexa skill is set to the Lambda function which is implemented on python scripts. It process the intent and
read or write to the device shadow. Also it publishes the data to PSoC6 on change in the next spin. The whatsapp notification and
Mail alerts are implemented here.
The skill is deployed and tested here.
Finally i setup with actual amazon eco device and the working video is here
In the next blog (blog4) will explain about powering the kit via solar panel with wireless charging.