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PyGaze is an open-source toolbox for eye tracking in Python.
Pygaze is an open-source toolbox for eye tracking in Pyton.
To install PyGaze, let's first install some dependencies. Type the following into the terminal.
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-imaging python-pygame psychopy python-pyglet
This will install (in order): NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, PIL, PyGame, PsychoPy, and pyglet. Probably some of these packages have been already installed, but let's do it again to stay om the safe side
Site-Packages Directory
Installing PyGaze requires copying the PyGaze directory into Python’s site-packages directory. First check where this directory is located. One way to do this is with Python. In the terminal, type:
To check the site-packages directory, type the following in the Python console:
>>> import site; site.getsitepackages()
This will list your site-packages directory. One of the directories I see listed is:
Exit the Python console by typing:
>>> quit()
Install PyGaze
In order to install PyGaze, download the latest version of pygaze from github
$ wget
Go to the directory where the download was saved (for me, cd ~). To unzip PyGaze, in the terminal type:
To copy the unzipped PyGaze directory into the site-packages directory, type the following in your terminal (of course, you should use the site-packages directory you got from above):
sudo cp -r pygaze /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
Set the permissions to drwxr-sr-x:
sudo chmod 2755 -R /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygaze/
To test if everything is ok, I opened a python console and tried to import the pygaze module
$ python >>> import pygaze
I got no errors, so everythink should be ok
Getting Started With PyGaze
In the zip file we just downloaded, there are several example experiments located in the directory pygaze/examples/. Unfortunately they do not run with a webcam, but requires a commercial eyetracker (currently EyeLink 1000, SMI RED and Tobii TX300 are supported). A dummy eyetracker is supported: the eye movements can be simulated using the mouse to test the experiments you are devising.
So for the moment, I was oly able to run the project in the show_webcam folder, that simply shows the output of the webcam