The PetaLinux provides a reference Linux distribution which is integrated and tested for Xilinx devices. This distribution includes:
- boot loader,
- CPU-optimized kernel,
- Linux applications and libraries,
- Debug,
- Thread and FPU support,
- Web server for easy management of network or firmware configuration.
After plug in of the micro-USB cable to the USB0JTAG/UART port on the MiniZed board we are able to login to PetaLinux.
Here are serial connection parameters:
- Port: COM1,
- Baud rate: 115200,
- Data: 8 bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 bit,
- Flow control: None
We are able to login into the system with following credentials:
- Username: root
- Password: root
The Linux image creates a ramdisk file system in the DDR3 on MiniZed. In the system by the default are available basic commands.
Below there is example output from run of example application called: i2csensor which is included in image for easy testing of several peripherals devices on the MiniZed board.
This application allow to read the temperature and acceleration from sensor.
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