The main purpose of lab 10 and 11 is to get familiar with Xilinx libraries and Pmod (Peripheral Modules )
1. Create the application project
In this part we will learn how works example application which reads and writes MAC address configuration data to/from on-board QSPI flash device. We need to create a new empty application project similar to previous laboratories. Then we need to import a source file provided with support documents.
We need to modify a BSP to enable support for Xilinx in-system and Serial Flash Library. We need to select a xilisf item in the Supported Libraries:
Then we need to choose Overview -> standalone -> xilisf:
We need to set proper values for serial_flash_family and serial_flash_interface. Value 5 means the Micron Flash family type. Value 3 specifies the QSPI flash interface type.
When build process finishes we are able to launch application on hardware.
Application has interactive menu which allows to read or write MAC address. Here is example output for this procedure:
Here is description for xilisf library API:
For the lab 11 the main focus was on to get familiar with TE HTU21DHTU21D Pmod. There is a basic application which reads the data off the HTU21DHTU21D Pmod and displays it in a terminal program. I have skipped this laboratory because I do not have this Pmod. Instead of this you could see example usage o diy Pmod in one of previous posts: