I received 4 large boxes from element14 yesterday - two of them contained prizes from the Pi-Fest Music Tech Challenge, so of course I had to post a blog about what was in the boxes:
The Frameworks mic stand was not listed in the prize description so that was a big surprise and it came with an embedded XLR cable, so I don't need to buy one of those either. This equipment is useful for the videos I produce but well beyond what would fit in my budget, so I was very lucky to end up with it. This system will definitely be featured in upcoming videos on element14 - as soon as I sort out how to integrate it all into my workflow. For example, can I connect this mic to may camera? It needs an amp to work with my camera but will that introduce a delay in the audio? Anyway, I am working on figuring it all out and will get there eventually.
Thank you element14 and Raspberry Pi, this is an outstanding prize package.
Relevant Links:
Blog 1 - Introduction and circuit schematic description
Blog 2 - PCB layout and manufacturing
Blog 3 - Firmware and issues
Blog 4 - Mechanical enclosure design and features
Blog 5 - Project summary and discussion
Pi-Fest Music Contest page
AY-3-8910 Datasheet
Dual Synth link