Still waiting for my challenger hardware kit - haven't seen a shipping notification yet, so I thought I'd work on the solar power supply for the project. I am building it using a surplus solar panel and a USB power bank that I have available in my parts stash.
The solar panel is rated at 5.5VDC @ 360mA and it has a standard USB A power port. The power bank is rated at 2200mAh and has a microUSB charge input and a standard USB A output. So this basically involves mechanically assembling the parts and connecting cables.
I am going to connect the power bank to the microUSB input of the MKR WAN 1310 and use the 5V output header to supply power to the two Nicla boards.
I printed a clip to hold the power bank to the back of the solar panel.
And printed a Go Pro mount adapter since I have a lot of Go Pro mounting hardware.
Here is the front, side, and rear views on a tripod. The Go Pro mount allows orienting the solar panel.