4# Quick-built Rover Platform
Table of Contents
1 Select Material for Quick-Build
This rover for this project is for prototype, the material shall be easy to cut and flexible to arrange. Hard wood and stacked carton box are used for the framework to hold the stepper motor and TMC5272 driver board.
2 Wheels and shaft coupler
This is shaft coupler with conveyer belt slot.
The stepper motor shaft with 5mm diameter. The wheel is 2mm with notch. Best shaft reducer is the one hand-cut on hardwook.
This is preassembled shaft coupler and wheel.
To save time, this passive ball-type wheel is used as rear wheel.
3 Chassis
One hard-pressed carton box is idea for chassis, two stepper motors fixed with screws on opposite sides.
The torch by the stepper is enough to drive the wheel without gearbox
4 Bodywork and Compartment
The box is enough to hold all parts with ease.
Then, the rover platform is ready to go.