In my previous post I have discussed myproject proposal....
I have selected WiFi with UDP protocol for communication, and selected CC3200 for main processing and commnication Part at sensor node...
So meanwhile parts for this challenge arrive... I have started to work with what I have now (CC3200 Launchpad)..
In this Post I am sharing my work for communicate CC3200 with PC/ Android cell phone using UDP.
I am using Energia IDE for CC3200 application development.
and I am using Processing for developing PC / Andoid app for remot monitoring station...
I have used these opensource platform by keeping in mind that all the codes are in opensource for future use.
Here is code for CC3200 for UDP sensor node... I am using BMA222 Accelerometer library for this demo. Which is available here ..
/*============================================================================ Sudden Impact Wearable Design Challenge Real Time Player monitoring System Energia Sketch (Running on CC3200 Launchpad) Test Code for WiFi UDP connection between Sensor node(CC3200 LaunchPad)and monitoring Station(Android cell phone / PC) UDP Sender/Receiver Application used for Android cell phone Processing application for use with PC (Linux/MacOS/Windows) BMA222 Library used for CC3200 Launchpad on board Accelerometer interface created 13 December 2014 by Ravi Butani e-mail: Attribute : Noah Luskey for his UDP library Code Released under CC-SA 2014 license ===========================================================================*/ #ifndef __CC3200R1M1RGC__ // Do not include SPI for CC3200 LaunchPad #include <SPI.h> #endif #include <WiFi.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <BMA222.h> BMA222 mySensor; // your network name also called SSID char ssid[] = "ravi1"; // your network password char password[] = "11223344"; unsigned int localPort = 2390; // local port to listen on char packetBuffer[255]; //buffer to hold incoming packet char ReplyBuffer[5]; // a string to send back String str; WiFiUDP Udp; void setup() { //Initialize serial and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(115200); // attempt to connect to Wifi network: Serial.println("====Sudden Impact Wearable Design Challenge===="); Serial.println("=======Real Time Player Monitoring System======"); Serial.println("Attempting to connect to Network named: "); // print the network name (SSID); Serial.println(ssid); // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network: WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // print dots while we wait to connect Serial.print("."); delay(300); } Serial.println("\nYou're connected to the network"); Serial.println("Waiting for an ip address"); while (WiFi.localIP() == INADDR_NONE) { // print dots while we wait for an ip addresss Serial.print("."); delay(300); } Serial.println("\nIP Address obtained"); printWifiStatus(); mySensor.begin(); uint8_t chipID = mySensor.chipID(); Serial.print("chipID: "); Serial.println(chipID); Serial.println("\nWaiting for a connection from a remote monitoring Station..."); Udp.begin(localPort); } void loop() { int8_t datax,datay,dataz; // if there's data available, read a packet int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket(); if (packetSize) { Serial.print("Received packet of size "); Serial.println(packetSize); Serial.print("From "); IPAddress remoteIp = Udp.remoteIP(); Serial.print(remoteIp); Serial.print(", port "); Serial.println(Udp.remotePort()); // read the packet into packetBufffer int len =, 255); if (len > 0) packetBuffer[len] = 0; Serial.println("Contents:"); Serial.println(packetBuffer); // once connected with remote monitoring station send accelerometer data continuously while(1) { datax = mySensor.readXData(); datay = mySensor.readYData(); dataz = mySensor.readZData(); Udp.beginPacket(Udp.remoteIP(), Udp.remotePort()); str=String(datax); //converting integer into a string str.toCharArray(ReplyBuffer,5); Udp.write("X="); Udp.write(ReplyBuffer); str=String(datay); //converting integer into a string str.toCharArray(ReplyBuffer,5); Udp.write("\tY="); Udp.write(ReplyBuffer); str=String(dataz); //converting integer into a string str.toCharArray(ReplyBuffer,5); Udp.write("\tZ="); Udp.write(ReplyBuffer); Udp.endPacket(); delay(200); // just to visulize readings on serial port } } } void printWifiStatus() { // print the SSID of the network you're attached to: Serial.print("SSID: "); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); // print your WiFi IP address: IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(ip); // print the received signal strength: long rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):"); Serial.print(rssi); Serial.println(" dBm"); }
Once above energia sketch loaded on CC3200... I have Used my cell phone as hot spot to connect CC3200 sensor node and PC/Android cell phone(Remote monitoring Station)..
For testing received Data on Android phone I have used UDP Sender/Receiver android application available on google play store
Here is snapshot of received UDP packets on my android cell phone...
This is processing sketch for test UDP packets on PC running on (Linux/MAC/Windows)
/*============================================================================ Sudden Impact Wearable Design Challenge Real Time Player monitoring System Processing Sketch (running on PC) Test Code for Wifi UDP connection between Sensor node(CC3200 LaunchPad)and monitoring Station(Android cell phone / PC) UDP Sender/Receiver Application used for Android cell phone Processing application for use with PC (Linux/MacOS/Windows) BMA222 Library used for CC3200 Launchpad on board Accelerometer interface created 13 December 2014 by Ravi Butani e-mail: Attribute : Cousot stephane for The Atelier Hypermedia Code released under CC-SA 2014 license ===========================================================================*/ // import UDP library import*; UDP udp; // define the UDP object /** * init */ void setup() { // create a new datagram connection on port 6000 // and wait for incomming message udp = new UDP( this, 2390 ); udp.listen( true ); } //process events void draw() { String message = "hii"; // the message to send String ip = ""; // the remote IP address int port = 2390; // the destination port // formats the message for Pd message = message+";\n"; // send the message udp.send( message, ip, port ); while(true) {;} } /** * To perform any action on datagram reception, you need to implement this * handler in your code. This method will be automatically called by the UDP * object each time he receive a nonnull message. * By default, this method have just one argument (the received message as * byte[] array), but in addition, two arguments (representing in order the * sender IP address and his port) can be set like below. */ // void receive( byte[] data ) { // <-- default handler void receive( byte[] data, String ip, int port ) { // <-- extended handler // get the "real" message = // forget the ";\n" at the end <-- !!! only for a communication with Pd !!! data = subset(data, 0, data.length); String message = new String( data ); // print the result println( "UDP Rx: "+message+"\t from "+ip+"\t on port "+port ); }
and here is the result of received UDP Packets on my PC...
Next : Interfacing ADXL345 and ADXL377 (Free Samples from ADI) Accelerometer with CC3200 and Designing some GUI application for remote monitoring station both for PC and Android phone...