This is my first technical blog which will introduce the readers to the ZedBoard setup for the programmable logic application. It will help first-time users with the setup and develop their first FPGA project.
Getting started with Vivado
Step 1: Open VIvado and click on 'Create Project'. A new window pops up.
Step 2: Hit Next. Add your project name and hit next. Select RTL Project and hit next.
Step 3: Click on Boards and select 'ZedBoard Zynq Evaluation and Development Kit'. Hit Next and then finish.
Step 4: Add design sources to the project 'counter' and 'clock_divider'. Select the language as Verilog.
Step 5: Write the programs respectively and then set the counter as the top module.
Step 6: Open elaborated design and make the pin assignments. It is recommended to use the documentations for pin assignments.
Step 7: Save the constraints file and then run synthesis.
Step 8: After synthesis run implementation and then generate the bitstream.
Step 9: Open Hardware manager and then click on Auto-Connect. Once the board is detected, click on the program device.
Step 10: Download the bitstream into the board and enjoy learning.
How to set up the ZedBoard for programmable logic applications?
Step 1:Plug the 12V power supply into the barrel jack (J20). Do not turn on the board
Step 2: Shunt the jumpers JP7-JP11 to the ground.
Step 3: Connect the USB cable(JTAG) to micro USB-B(J17).
Step 4: Slide the power switch (SW8) to the ON position. You will see the green LED (LD13) illuminates.