Getting Started and Setting Up Seeeduino XIAO with Arduino IDE
Seeeduino XIAO is a tiny but powerful development board that is compatible with Arduino. It has a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller (SAMD21G18) that runs at 48MHz and has 256KB of flash memory and 32KB of SRAM. It also has 11 digital/analog pins, 10 PWM pins, 1 DAC output, 1 SWD interface, 1 I2C interface, 1 UART interface, and 1 SPI interface. Seeeduino XIAO is ideal for wearable devices, small projects, and IoT applications.
In this blogpost, I will show you how to get started and set up Seeeduino XIAO with Arduino IDE. Arduino IDE is an open-source software that allows you to write, compile, and upload code to Arduino-compatible boards. You can download the latest version of Arduino IDE from here.
Step 1: Install the Seeeduino XIAO board package
Before you can use Seeeduino XIAO with Arduino IDE, you need to install the board package that contains the necessary drivers and libraries for the board. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open Arduino IDE and go to File > Preferences.
- In the Additional Boards Manager URLs field, enter this URL:
and click OK. - Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and search for “Seeed SAMD Boards”.
- Select the latest version and click Install.
Step 2: Connect Seeeduino XIAO to your computer
Seeeduino XIAO has a USB Type-C port that can be used for power supply and code uploading. You can use any USB Type-C cable to connect the board to your computer. When you plug in the board, you should see a green LED indicating that the board is powered on.
Step 3: Select the board and port in Arduino IDE
To communicate with Seeeduino XIAO, you need to select the correct board and port in Arduino IDE. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to Tools > Board and select “Seeeduino XIAO”.
- Go to Tools > Port and select the port that corresponds to your board. It should be labeled as “Seeeduino XIAO”.
Step 4: Write and upload your first sketch
Now you are ready to write and upload your first sketch to Seeeduino XIAO. A sketch is a program written in Arduino language that tells the board what to do. You can use the built-in examples in Arduino IDE or write your own code.
For this tutorial, we will use the Blink example that makes the built-in LED on the board blink on and off. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink.
- A new window will open with the code of the Blink sketch.
- Click the Upload button (the arrow icon) on the toolbar to compile and upload the sketch to your board.
- Wait for the message “Done uploading” to appear on the bottom of the window.
- You should see the yellow LED on your board blink on and off every second.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up Seeeduino XIAO with Arduino IDE and uploaded your first sketch. You can now explore more examples or write your own code for your projects. Have fun!
#3 Energy Saver Cooler : Setting up Seeduino with Arduino IDE
#4 Energy Saver Cooler : Circuit Assembly on Breadbord
#5 Energy Saver Cooler : Final Programming and working model