I'm currently challenging some problems with Node-RED modules which possibly are related to Node.js version differences.
When installing XDK, automatically node v4.4.3 was installed:
root@edison_arduino:~# opkg list nodejs
nodejs - v4.4.3-r1.0 - Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily
building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js is a platform
built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable
network applications.
root@edison_arduino:~# node -v
When running opkg update/upgrade no new version is installed, but https://nodejs.org/en/ shows v6.10.3 as the most recent LTS version.
My question is which version are you using?
How did you install:
- opkg
- make (takes 5 hours according to some information I found on internet)
- other ......