I was just looking at the pinouts for the mini-breakout and spotted. COMPASS_DRDY, ACCELEROMETER_INT_2, GYRO_INT etc. That's the first I've heard that the Edison has these sensors. Has anyone seen any examples of accessing those features in code?
I was just looking at the pinouts for the mini-breakout and spotted. COMPASS_DRDY, ACCELEROMETER_INT_2, GYRO_INT etc. That's the first I've heard that the Edison has these sensors. Has anyone seen any examples of accessing those features in code?
I agree with koudelad that it is a pin mapping. But I don't think its a preparation for the Sparkfun breakout boards, since the mini-breakout board is an breakout board on itself. In the mean time I found another image on the internet which is showing the same information:
I agree with koudelad that it is a pin mapping. But I don't think its a preparation for the Sparkfun breakout boards, since the mini-breakout board is an breakout board on itself. In the mean time I found another image on the internet which is showing the same information: