Ok, has anyone else tried to work with the SensorPuck.
I have the Sensor-Puck connected to the EFM32ZG. And I've managed to configure Simplicity to recognize the puck for debugging. But there is no example software for the puck and I can't seem to locate the correct source code for the sensor-puck at SL. I found a link that says it's for the source code for the Sensor Puck firmware, V1.0. But I can't get it to compile. Missing includes and such. I found versions of some of the files but i wouldn't be willing to burn the image even if I could get it to compile.
It's at the very bottom of this page.
Sensor Software | Silicon Labs
And if I can get it compiled or not, can I read it from the J-TAG - I/O header if ti's in I/O mode. Not really finding any docs on that.
Any help appreciated.