The concept is the device sits on the charger and receives entries to the list using a wireless solution.
Entries can be added or subtracted using a web server application, that formats and transmits the list contents to the eLIST.
see the previous posts Beyond the Phone - eLIST progress 5 (Webserver) Beyond the Phone - eLIST progress 4 (Transmitter modifications) Beyond the Phone - eLIST progress 3 eLIST progress 2 , eLIST progress , eLIST - KOBO Touch , 5W Load Schematic
This morning it struck me that while I had blogged about the project, and shown the receiver, I hadn't actually shown any Pictures of the Charging
Since the Challenge is about Wireless Charging it was remiss of me.
So here are a couple of pictures.
This picture is showing the KOBO sitting on the evaluation Transmitter and receiving a charge.
The battery icon on the top right changes, and the red D7 led is illuminated.
closer view
The eagle eyed may have spotted that its showing the Shopping List, which has not had the boxes checked as we haven't put them in the trolley.
So after leaving home, and arriving at the your shopping establishment, you have this display.
And yes we have already put the beer for the Minion into the trolley (special beer in smaller bottles), along with Green Milk.
In case you're wondering New Zealand doesn't sell milk that gone off, we have a reduced fat milk that has a green lid, and we have normal (well as close as normal) that has a blue lid.
Other parts of the country also have a couple of other options as well.
So all that remains is to reduce the transmitter footprint ( I do like Eduardo's version shown here Waterproofing marine equipment -13 - Transmitter assembly ).
Once that is done I can make a holder that props it at an angle.
I need to link the python script that does the GPIO detection to the web interface index page and add a page to allow more items on the list and its complete.
Thanks again to our sponsors ... Wurth, Texas Instruments and element14.
Mark Beckett