Hi Ben Felix makerkaren Are you going to go to market or at least have Licenced Manufacturing. I am sure you have a premium product but you would know make it the Fein / Hilti of the glue gun world. I have found two expensive products one light duty 12mm sticks the other heavy duty 18mm sticks. I'm sure there are others on the market. Good luck great show.
http://www.packability.co.uk/Premium-Light-Duty-Hot-Glue-Gun £39.00
https://www.parrs.co.uk/stickfast-glue-gun-heavy-duty-p4576/s30089? utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=xtegra-glue-gun-heavy-duty-phs093&utm_campaign=product%2Blisting%2Bads&gclid=Cj0KCQjw78vLBRCZARIsACr4cxzbGF1hFjbMwvHn1aNHyhDhYvXwlYpOJn1VnsD2o64lYchOSfqWdrwaAj5yEALw_wcB £270