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Keeping social distance and wearing a mask greatly reduce the risk to transmit/receive coronavirus.
While our attentions are usually focused on other tasks, we (or others) may need a reminder to stay 6 feet apart.
This hat looks for an object within 6 feet of the wearer. If an object approaches within 6 feet of the wearer, my voice will announce "please respect a 6 foot distancing"
If an object is within 2 feet of the hat wearer, the hat sets off a 90 dB horn for 1 second to get their attention. nyuk nyuk nyuk
The electronics platform rotates to detect objects 360 degrees of the wearer - No Sneaking UP on the wearer from behind ! :-)
Using the ISD1820 sound recorder chip allows instant re-recording of the message should it need to be changed quickly to a different language, or make the message multi-lingual.
The social distancing hat is clearly marked around its circumference to respect a 6 foot distance.
The hat in action can be seen on this video:
Future Modifications:
1) I'd like to get a modified PixyCam2 that could detect IR images.
This would allow the control to distinguish close objects and people, and add important features:.
An infared PixyCam2 would allow the ping sensor to be put on a tilt/pan device to get a distance reading at a specific infared target.
It would allow accurate annunciation from a standing position as well as a sitting position.
2) I'd like to use a better speaker to improve audio intelligibility
3) This packaging is awkward and spread out. A next prototype would be compact , lower center of gravity, and attractive.
4) The turntable motor is mounted on top of the hat, with electronics on a platform riding on a bearing
Next prototype version, the motor would be on the rotating platform.
This allows the use of one battery, and the turntable motor could be temporarily stopped when an object is detected
/// SocialDIstanceHat.ino
//// setup needed VARS --------------------------
// pinging VARs
unsigned long Pingmicroseconds =0;
unsigned long PingDistanceInches =0;
int PreviousPingDistanceInches;
int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position
unsigned int Ping_cm; // ping distance in cm
int loopNR=0; // generic register for loops
void setup(){
// Serial.begin(9600);
pinMode(2,OUTPUT); // Edge trigger output to ISD1820 to play a voice message
pinMode(3,OUTPUT); // Ping trigger
pinMode(4,INPUT); // Ping echo
pinMode(6,OUTPUT); // Turn on LED flasher module
pinMode(7,OUTPUT); // Turn on turntable motor
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
void PING ()
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // HC-SR04 pulse high TRIGGER
delayMicroseconds(10); // pauses for 10 microseconds
digitalWrite(3, LOW); // sets the TRIGGER pin off
// ECHO PIN measure microseconds taken to hear pulse, third number is wait time in microseconds( unsigned long int 0 to 4,294,967,295)
Pingmicroseconds = pulseIn(4, HIGH, 13000);
PingDistanceInches = (Pingmicroseconds/149); //formula from HC-SR04 spec sheet , assume solution is an integer
if (PingDistanceInches<=9){PingDistanceInches = 543;} ///just for troubleshooting
if (PingDistanceInches==0){PingDistanceInches = 12345;} //just for troubleshooting
// 340 meters/ second * (39.37 inches per meters) =13385. inches per usec = .0133856 inches per microsecond;; 74.7 usecs/inch , multiply by 2 for send/return path
// test and debug
// Serial.print("PingDistance=");
//// Serial.print(PingDistanceInches);
// Serial.print("inches ");
// Serial.println();
void loop()
if ((PingDistanceInches<72)&&(PingDistanceInches>24))
digitalWrite(2,HIGH);// edge trigger audio module
digitalWrite(6,HIGH);// turn on LED flasher relay
delay (200);
digitalWrite(2,LOW);// edge trigger audio module
delay(8000); //allow 8 seconds for the audio track to finish
digitalWrite(6,LOW);// turn off LED flasher relay
if (PingDistanceInches<=24) ////less than 9 inches the pingdistance will be set to 543
digitalWrite(7,HIGH);// turn on siren
digitalWrite(6,HIGH);// turn on LED flasher relay
delay (1000);
digitalWrite(7,LOW);// turn off siren
digitalWrite(6,LOW);// turn off LED flasher relay
//if ping distance is greater than 65 inches, do nothing
delay(100); //give ping some time to rest
// Serial.print ("RunByIRRemote flag= ");
// Serial.println (RunByIRRemote);
// Serial.print ("LeftSPD = ");
// Serial.println (LeftSPD);
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