The Fighting Germs seemed a very popular Project14 last year with some truly great ideas. My favourite being robogary Socially Distancing Hat...I mean who'd want the embarrassment of standing anywhere near someone wearing such a device, let alone should it start it's warning .
Depending on what part of the world we live in we are under very different conditions still, some like UK are strictly lockdown and quite bleak still, although IMO we are hopefully going to get through it.
Enough of that negative thought anyway, what I thought was we need a really nice upbeat Project 14; the opposite of Fighting Germs. Something perhaps entitled "Are you having a laugh ?" or "Cheer us up." where the idea is to make something completely daft, pointless, humorous, prank related or wacky. This could easily include animations and display messages, things with plenty of movement, those including pets are good or nice audio. This equates to just some ideas like an automatic ball launcher for dogs, automatic greeting message, think mousetrap, Wallace and Gromit inventions, a music generator controlled from nearby vibrations, an animatronic desk buddy, an unusual keyboard design....etc
[The phrase 'Are you having a laugh' was used by Ricky Gervais' character Andy Millman in the BBC TV series extras]
What do you think about Good for a Laugh? We could use topic ideas. Thinking of ways we could improve the program. I'll start a thread about this to invite member ideas but basically we want to keep this what it is at the same time we got to do what we can to make things better. People have a very clear idea of what a Project14 is and definitely don't want to make it anything different but definitely think there is room for improvement at the same time.
Part of this may be due to the pandemic and the restrictions we're all under, even on our end with running things. We're going to most likely slow things down with the new year but if we have fewer competitions are there any activities that you can think of to keep people's interest?
Those were indeed good themes. I didn't intend my comments to detract from the existing great Project14 format or indeed February's theme that is being polled, my apologies if my post came across as such; I was proposing a future theme for just one month, but in my haste couldn't find the right post to add it to, and knew if I didn't post immediately I'd likely forget
Those were indeed good themes. I didn't intend my comments to detract from the existing great Project14 format or indeed February's theme that is being polled, my apologies if my post came across as such; I was proposing a future theme for just one month, but in my haste couldn't find the right post to add it to, and knew if I didn't post immediately I'd likely forget
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