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Register and Attend for a Chance to Win a Nano Sense 33 Board.

We will be Sending Out 5 Boards for the Best Questions Asked!   

Join us beginning on the last day of Arduino Week for a workshop hosted by community member Enrico Miglino, who will walk us through a project he is working on for the Better World with Arduino project competition.   The focus of workshop will be a real world example of a project that uses a Nicla Sense ME board.  The series will conclude with workshop hosted by any community members who wish to showcase their Better World with Arduino project.  Throughout this series and the companion project competition, we'll have giveaways for sharing inspiring stories on how to make the world better with Arduino and for contributing to the learning and discussion from in each of the workshops.

In this session we will focus on a Real-World applications using the Nicla Sense ME including drafting the project, a Multisensor on a single board for Van Monitoring and alarming, the circuit, solutions adopted, a use case from an example application, and notes on integration with other boards.  The final workshop will take place at the conclusion of the Better World with Arduino and include an invite for any members who wish to showcase their project.  Among the topics that will be discussed is any feedback from the challenge, a rundown of the most remarkable projects, presentations of projects from the invited guest hosts,  and a live winners announcement for the challenge.   

Featured Boards:

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Nano Sense 33 Nicla Sense ME
Buy Now Buy Now

Session 2:

What you will learn by attending: 

  • Drafting a Project
  • A Multisensor on a single board for Van monitoring and alarming
  • The Circuit
  • Solutions Adopted
  • Use Case, an application example
  • Notes on the integration with other Boards
  • Q&A followed by a Nano Sense 33 Giveaway

Bill of Material:

You are free to attend regardless of whatever parts you are working on for your project.   However,  if you would like to follow along with the example in the workshop you will need the following components:

Product Name Manufacturer Quantity Buy Kit
Nicla Sense ME Arduino 1 Buy Now
Raspberry Pi 4B Raspberry Pi 1 Buy Now
Breadboard Multicomp 1 Buy Now
Jumper Wires Adafruit 1 Buy Now
3.7 V 250 mA Rechargeable battery Adafruit 1 Buy Now

Additional Parts:

2.5 mm Pins (to be soldered on the Nicla)

Supplemental Content:

Dates and Register for Free:


Date & Time

Session 1 - Introducing Nicla Sense ME

Giveaway: Nicla Sense ME

Saturday March 26th, 2022

11 AM CST (Chicago) // 5 PM GMT

Session 2 - Nicla Sense ME, Real World Application

Giveaway: Nano Sense 33

Saturday April 23rd, 2022

11 AM CST (Chicago) // 5 PM GMT

  • Register Above for Free!

Session 3 - Inspiring Projects

Giveaway: Hardcover Book

Saturday June 4, 2022

11 AM CST (Chicago) // 5 PM GMT



The Presenter:

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Enrico Miglino, element14 Community Member Furio Piccinini, element14 Community Member

Born in Turin, Italy. I have always had a special interest in electronics and communication. I had the chance to start working in the era of the first Personal Computers, just few years before their massive introduction, and very soon I started acquiring knowledge about hardware and software. I developed researches, patented hardware and software-integrated technologies, wrote technical articles on several technical papers in Italy and more.  I frequently rethink projects or create new ones in order to make products and prototypes market-affordable and as cheap as possible without compromising quality. Five years ago I moved to Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain) where I currently live and work.

Furio Piccinini, born in 1976, is an IT developer and element14 Community Member. He loves web programming, which he started learning in the early years of Internet, and electronics. In recent years he focused on the Making world, embedded devices software and architecture. Furio is a passionate member of the Makers community and a fan of the DRY motto, don’t repeat yourself.