Greetings Best Community Members in the Galaxy!
I'm excited about the upcoming live stream on Robotics. If you love robots (who doesn't on a site whose unofficial mascot is a dancing robot) then you got to support this great content by signing up to attend the live stream on May 29th, 5:30 CST or 10:30 PM GMT:
The format will be similar to the first live stream but we've made some adjustments from the last time. We've invited more community members to join us and talk about anything related to robotics. We'll also have robotics show & tell's and do a book giveaway of Robot Builder's Bonanza Fifth Edition by Gordon McComb. I downloaded this onto my kindle and while I haven't gone through the whole book, I found it very enjoyable and accessible for even those that are not technologically inclined. It was very in the spirit of what we've tried to make Project14 become. If you have no experience with robotics, you can read it from cover to cover and begin building your own robotics projects. If you are more experienced, it contains a lot of useful information that will allow you to thumb through and learn something you never knew. First published in 1987, it's a book that led MAKE magazine to declare Gordon McComb the Father of Robotics. In his honor we're going to have a live stream devoted exclusively to robotics projects.
You can also get your hands on a MATRIX Voice by participating in the following roadtest:
And ask your questions directly to MATRIX Labs. If you want some ideas of questions check out the following poll:
Project14 | Live Stream & MATRIX Voice Roadtest: What Do You Want to Discuss with MATRIX Labs?
We've also got some exciting updates about things related to element14 presents (hint: something to do with a couple of the topics mentioned during the live stream) and something fans of Arduino are going to be interested in finding out about the MATRIX Voice.... Project14 Live Streams are the first live streams on the community where community members present, so this is an opportunity to support your fellow community members, and keep this a program that is all about YOU!
Join us for the robotics live stream on May 29th, 5:30 PM CST / 10:30 PM GMT: